Summer Fellowship Highlight Series: QRFertile

The UConn School of Engineering’s Assistant Professor Savas Tasoglu, Ph.D. candidate Reza Amin, and Ph.D. student Stephanie Knowlton, are developing an in-home device with a smartphone-based automated analyzer to measure male fertility.

Amin states that QRfertile intends that “users can eventually pick up our product from their local pharmacy, and use it in the comfort of their home.”

The team feels that this product is especially important because 50% of fertility issues in couples are a result of male infertility, and usually simple lifestyle changes can be implemented to improve fertility outcomes once the issue is identified.

When asked what inspired him to join Summer Fellowship, Amin replied, “As an engineer I needed an environment to improve my entrepreneurship skills, and Summer Fellowship is a great opportunity for that purpose.”

For Amin, this experience has been beneficial in that it taught him how to craft effective strategic plans and “make them happen by commitment”.

In the final weeks of Summer Fellowship, Amin hopes he can solidify his understanding of how to “transfer an idea into a product” by putting into practice the financing, marketing, and selling skills he is obtaining from the program.