Rory McGloin PhD
Associate Director of Entrepreneurial Communication & Research
Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI)
School of Business, University of Connecticut
Associate Professor & Director
School of Business/College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
University of Connecticut
Associate Director of Communication Programming & Development
Professional Education Program
School of Engineering, University of Connecticut
Rory McGloin, Ph.D. is an award-winning business communication professor at the University of Connecticut. Rory's career in higher education spans 17+ years, including engagements with over 10,000 learners to date and 35 peer-reviewed publications. In addition to this, Rory serves as the Associate Director of Communication Programming and Development for the UConn School of Engineering’s Professional Education Program, as well as serving as the Associate Director of Entrepreneurial Communication & Research with the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI). Rory’s current research is focused on the process of training and development, examining the influence of individual identities and values on perceptions of a program’s impact.
Rory is also interested in developing the business communication skills of entrepreneurs and executives and conducts research that examines how mindsets and motivations influence program participants. He works closely with graduate students who are interested in organizational communication, professional development, and entrepreneurship. He also continues to share his passion with students in the classroom as he leads courses on professional and business communication for UConn’s top-ranked MBA and Executive MBA programs.
Additionally, Rory is passionate about applying his work to create and deliver professional communication training and development solutions for organizations and their teams. He specializes in helping organizations identify their core values and works to align an organization’s vision with specific tactics and strategies that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their team communication. He is also a certified Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile Practitioner, and is known for his engaging and dynamic approach to helping individuals maximize their unique skills and characteristics.
Rory's Mission
Effective communication has tremendous value & power: from building new relationships, to sharing ideas, leading groups, recognizing new opportunities, and most importantly, being the process by which we connect and share our life experiences with others! Simply put - being an effective communicator can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling elements of our lives.
Throughout my life I have been fascinated by the process of communication. My interests have led me to a career and lifestyle that is centered around the communication process, its study, its application, and a consistent pursuit to identify the best practices for engaging in meaningful and rewarding communication.
I have made it a mission to share my passion for communication with others while also actively listening to, and learning from, each and every individual I have the opportunity to interact with.

Rory's Corner

Rory’s "Most Influenced By" List of Books:
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Good To Great by Jim Collins
Six Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Think Again by Adam Grant